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Although many milestones have been achieved in the past decades, gender equality is an issue all over the world, although the most pressing issues and levels of gender equality vary from region to region and country to country. At the most general level, gender equality refers to equal rights and opportunities for both women and men in various dimensions. It can be discussed as something abstract – such as the distribution of power and influence – as well as something concrete such as working conditions and domestic work.

Boy-girl birth discrimination is seen in individuals, families, or society. Discrimination in food and
upbringing, discrimination in education and opportunities, affects the physical, economic, and mental status of men and women in life. Due to gender inequality, its effects are visible throughout the life cycle and in the field of development. Marked by unequal health access, unequal political representation, economic gaps, and inadequate legal protection, deep-seated biases exist, as well as missing data important for monitoring progress in any countries. There is significant inequality in leadership roles.

I (Anil Gajjar) have been associated with CHETNA organization for the last 35 years as an artist. I realized the importance of gender equality while preparing awareness activities and publications. I felt that gender equality is an important and effective issue in the progress of the country.
Art has always been a widely used medium for expressing opinions. The purpose of my performance is to showcase my expression. My semi-abstract style can provide a platform for questions and discussion to explain the relationship between human and gender equality. Ankur seeks to create awareness within the people to create understanding on this subject.
This exhibition aims to showcase a diverse and thought-provoking collection of paintings that I have produced, which will promote the promotion of gender equality. Through my art, individuals will explore different aspects of gender equality, challenge misconceptions and see women & contributions to society through equal value. The issue of gender equality needs to be discussed publicly to bring about change.
However, much needs to be done to make a lasting impact. An important initiative has exhibited paintings on gender equality in Ahmedabad, Jaipur, and Goa. I am excited to exhibit the next painting on gender equality in Ahmedabad from 29 to 31 December 2023 (Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy) and in Australia, this exhibition will be on display from 25 January 2024 in Australia (three weeks).
Venue: 444 Centre Rd, Bentleigh VIC 3204 ( Gallery Contact: 0499 088 115)
Date : 25 January 2024 to 16 February 2024
Contact :
Anil Gajjar 
India Mo. +919426392147
Aus 0459567825 (Parth Gajjar)